RC Bulldozers

One of the fastest-growing hobbies in Australia is remote control vehicles – and there are all sorts to choose from. We at RC High Performance Hobbies have s superb range of quality products with mind-bogglingly real features and details. The most well-known are the fast cars, planes and boats, but some of the most fun are construction vehicles like an RC bulldozer.
Our ultra-lifelike remote control dozer has tracks rather than wheels, just like the real thing, and can really shift earth and sand. Read More

You Drive a What??? A Remote-Control Bulldozer?

Who hasn’t passed a building site at some time in their life and wanted to have a go at operating one of those big, fascinating vehicles that get the job done with their sheer size and power? Well now you can do it – on a scaled-down project, but a realistic one.

A Remote-Control Bulldozer Takes RC Fun to a New Level

The detail on our RC cars and vehicles is astonishing and if ever there was a hobby to keep a youngster interested, entertained and doing something that requires a bit of thought, this is it.

RC hobbies in general are great for developing motor skills, improving concentration and encouraging a problem-solving attitude. A child is much better off out in the yard or some other suitable, safe space using a remote control dozer than sitting inside doing something mind-numbing and potentially harmful on their phone or laptop. With an RC dozer you can get people outside in the fresh air. You may never have thought about this before, but it’s true.

Maintenance and Cleaning of an RC bulldozer

Helping out around the house is not high on the list of priorities for most young people. But if it’s their own source of enjoyment that’s at stake, this could be a breakthrough for them. Get them a remote control bulldozer and watch them having fun but notice that it needs to be looked after too. Get them involved in that side of it and you’re teaching them the essential art of maintenance, the simple process of keeping things looking good and working well.

But let’s not play down the fun side of this. Our RC bulldozer can be used to carry out realistic projects on a small scale. You can work with a youngster to set the details of the project, maybe put a timeframe on it and oversee the project to completion. Or they can simply push stuff around to their heart’s content.

Adults should be aware, though, that they may find themselves having so much fun with this that they will want a construction vehicle of their own. That’s no problem. You can get a RC excavator, dump truck, a shovel truck or a concrete mixer truck – we’ve got a whole yard full of these for you to choose from. And if you like off-road adventures you might be interested in our RC monster trucks or RC dirt bikes.

Contact Us Today and Receive it Fast!

Our customer service is second to none. We answer the phone ourselves – yes, a real person will pick it up – and we will answer any questions you have, give you whatever advice you need and then send your order out ASAP. In most cases, our products can be dispatched within 24 hours. Read Less